Corporate Governance
Basic Approach to Corporate Governance
Putting that management philosophy to work means leveraging our pharmaceutical development know-how and technologies to achieve the birth and growth of new disease prevention and treatment technologies. That includes not only developing new drugs but partnering with biotechnology ventures, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and other healthcare companies as well as medical institutions around the globe to help bring medical care to new heights, all with a view to turning the hopes of individual patients and society as a whole into reality.
Since our business activities impact people's lives, we demand our officers and employees possess not only professional expertise but also the highest ethical standards to ensure thorough compliance with all laws and regulations as well as our own Code of Conduct. On top of that, we are committed to enhancing our internal controls and ensuring that our operations are sound as well as transparent in order to grow and improve our corporate value.
Overview of Corporate Governance Structure
Linical has built an organizational framework that incorporates an Audit and Supervisory Committee pursuant to the Companies Act of Japan. This will ensure management transparency, strengthen supervisory functions and improve sustainable corporate value through the acceleration of decision-making in business.
In addition, aiming for more rapid decision-making, Linical has also introduced an executive officer system.
Moreover, to ensure the objectivity, transparency and fairness of procedures related to the nomination and remuneration of Directors, etc., and to enhance corporate governance, Linical has established the optional Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee as advisory bodies.
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
The Board holds regular meetings monthly, with special meetings of the Board held from time to time as required. The Board is responsible for decision-making involving management policies, annual budgets and other important matters. The Board works to establish corporate ethics and enhance its monitoring and supervisory functions by delegating some decision-making authority to the President and Representative Executive Director and receiving timely and appropriate reports on the status of his business execution.
Audit and Supervisory Committee
Audit and Supervisory Committee
Management Committee
Management Committee
Optionally Established Committee Nomination Committee
Optionally Established Committee Nomination Committee
Remuneration Committee
Remuneration Committee
Based on inquiries from the Board of Directors, the Remuneration Committee deliberates on the policy and procedures for determining the remuneration, etc., of Directors, the details of the remuneration of individual Directors and Executive Officers and other important matters, and makes recommendations.
The members and roles of each committee as of Jan 1, 2025
The following is a schematic diagram of Linical's corporate governance structure.
Internal Control System
Linical has established a basic policy as follows with regard to its internal control system, namely the system to ensure that the execution of duties by Directors complies with the law and the Articles of Incorporation, and to ensure the appropriateness of other business of the limited liability company and the corporate group made up of its subsidiaries. The Board of Directors has passed a resolution on this basic policy.
Systems to ensure that the execution of duties by Directors and employees complies with the law and the Articles of Incorporation
Systems to ensure that the execution of duties by Directors and employees complies with the law and the Articles of Incorporation
- Linical has established a Code of Conduct and provides education on and promotes this code so that Directors and employees can carry out their activities in compliance with the law, the Articles of Incorporation and internal regulations.
- Our Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and Executive Officer promotes and oversees compliance within the organization. In addition, the Compliance Committee is responsible for working on compliance-related governance and risk management, as well as for addressing important issues, and shall report to the Management Committee and the Board of Directors.
- In addition to the Board of Directors, members of Linical’s Audit and Supervisory Committee participate in important internal meetings to develop the compliance system and confirm the state of its operation.
- Linical has established an Internal Audit Department as an organization under the direct control of the Representative Director, and this department works with the Audit and Supervisory Committee to monitor the state of compliance with the law and various regulations, and reports to the Board of Directors.
- Linical has established a whistleblower hotline based on the Ethics Reporting Policy and related procedures to prevent and detect promptly misconduct resulting from violation of the law or other wrong-doing, and strives to ensure public trust. When a report is made, Linical provides thorough protection so that the reporter is not treated disadvantageously due to making the report.
- In accordance with the Code of Conduct and related procedures, Linical does not respond to unfair or unwarranted demands from anti-social forces, organizations or groups, takes a resolute approach and cuts off all relationships.
- Linical has established a Nomination Committee and a Remuneration Committee, the majority of whose members are independent Outside Directors, to improve transparency and objectivity related to the nomination of candidates for Director and the determination of the remuneration of Directors and Executive Officers.
System for the storage and management of information related to the execution of duties by Directors
System for the storage and management of information related to the execution of duties by Directors
Linical records information related to the execution of duties by Directors in documents such as minutes and circulated requests for approval and stores them appropriately in accordance with the law and internal policies. Directors are able to view these documents at all times.
Regulations and other systems related to the management of risk of loss
Regulations and other systems related to the management of risk of loss
- The Company has established a Risk Management Committee to anticipate risks that may affect corporate activities, strive to prevent problems from occurring and deal appropriately with any that do occur. The CXOs who make up the Committee identify and evaluate risks across overseas Group companies for each of their assigned duties, and consider workarounds and countermeasures. The Risk Management Committee confirms these measures, evaluates and monitors critical risks, and reports to the Management Committee and the Board of Directors.
- The Company has established a Sustainability Committee, which discusses basic policies and initiatives on sustainability. The Committee formulates priority measures on key issues (materialities), rolls them out internally, monitors their progress, and promotes sustainability initiatives throughout the Company. In addition, the Committee reports their progress to the Management Committee and the Board of Directors.
- In the event that a serious risk materializes, we will set up a task force headed by the Representative Director to take measures to minimize damage in accordance with the crisis response policy.
Systems to ensure that the duties of Directors are carried out efficiently
Systems to ensure that the duties of Directors are carried out efficiently
- Linical has clarified the administrative authority of Directors and Executive Officers and the submission standards for meeting bodies through internal regulations to realize more efficient and appropriate decision-making.
- In principle, Linical holds a meeting of the Board of Directors once a month, and also holds special meetings of the Board of Directors from time to time as required. In addition, Linical holds meetings of the Management Committee at least once a month to accelerate decision-making by fully considering matters to be submitted to the Board of Directors in advance and making advance decisions on matters to be reported to the Board of Directors.
Systems to ensure the appropriateness of business in the corporate group consisting of Linical and group companies
Systems to ensure the appropriateness of business in the corporate group consisting of Linical and group companies
- The Company and its Group companies share the Code of Business Conduct and the Ethics and Compliance Program as compliance-related basic policies, and strive to raise awareness of ethics and compliance among officers and employees through ongoing education and awareness-raising activities.
- Linical and its group companies establish risk management systems in accordance with the Risk Management Policy and related procedures.
- Linical and its group companies establish risk management systems in accordance with regulations related to risk management.
- Linical clarifies the objectives to be achieved by the company and its group companies in management plans, and evaluates and manages the state of business execution.
- Based on the internal regulations, Linical receives reports on the operating results and financial data of group companies as well as other important information regularly to grasp their situations.
- Our CXOs are delegated some authority by the President and Representative Executive Director and have cross-sectional jurisdiction over their area of responsibility, including the Group companies, to ensure the appropriateness of business operations.
Matters related to employees required by the Audit and Supervisory Committee to assist with its duties
Matters related to employees required by the Audit and Supervisory Committee to assist with its duties
Linical’s Board of Directors may, in consultation with the Audit and Supervisory Committee, appoint an employee to assist the Audit and Supervisory Committee if the committee requests an employee to assist with its duties. In addition, if that employee has received instructions from the Audit and Supervisory Committee in relation to their duties, Linical ensures the effectiveness of those instructions.
Matters relating to the independence from Directors of the employee of the preceding item (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee)
Matters relating to the independence from Directors of the employee of the preceding item (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee)
The appointed employee is independent from the Directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) with regard to the duties designated by the Audit and Supervisory Committee to assist it, and executes those duties under the instructions of the Audit and Supervisory Committee.
Systems for Directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) and employees to report to the Audit and Supervisory Committee, and other systems for reporting to the Audit and Supervisory Committee
Systems for Directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) and employees to report to the Audit and Supervisory Committee, and other systems for reporting to the Audit and Supervisory Committee
- Linical’s Directors report immediately to the Audit and Supervisory Committee if they discover any fact that may cause substantial harm to the company or a subsidiary.
- Linical’s Directors and employees report on business regularly and as requested by the Audit and Supervisory Committee.
- Linical’s Directors and employees report important internal communications to the Audit and Supervisory Committee regularly and as required.
- Linical protects people who report to the Audit and Supervisory Committee so that they are not treated disadvantageously for reason of making such reports.
Procedures for advance payment or reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the execution of duties by members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, and other matters concerning policies related to the processing of expenses incurred in connection with the execution of those duties or their reimbursement
Procedures for advance payment or reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the execution of duties by members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, and other matters concerning policies related to the processing of expenses incurred in connection with the execution of those duties or their reimbursement
If a member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee requests the advance payment, etc., of expenses required for the execution of their duties, Linical processes such expenses or debts promptly.
Other systems to ensure that audits by the Audit and Supervisory Committee are implemented effectively
Other systems to ensure that audits by the Audit and Supervisory Committee are implemented effectively
- Members of the company’s Audit and Supervisory Committee may attend important meetings such as meetings of the Management Committee or the Board of Directors, view important documents related to the execution of business such as circulated requests for approval, and request explanations from Directors and employees in order to grasp important decision-making processes and the state of execution of business. Directors and employees may not block these requests.
- Linical’s Audit and Supervisory Committee ensures the effectiveness of audits through its independence and authority based on the “Audit and Supervisory Committee Regulations” and the “Audit and Supervisory Committee Standards,” and works closely with Internal Audit Department to enhance the effectiveness of audits by the Audit and Supervisory Committee.
Risk Management
The Company has established a Risk Management Committee to anticipate risks that may affect corporate activities, strive to prevent problems from occurring and deal appropriately with any that do occur. By doing so, we evaluate the risks of business execution, such as disasters, fraud and information leaks, and consider and implement workarounds and countermeasures. In addition, under the direction of the President and Representative Executive Director, each business unit and division evaluates business opportunity risks such as environmental changes and lost opportunities that impede sustainable business growth, and implements countermeasures. They also report the status of these risk management activities to the Management Committee and the Board of Directors on a regular basis.
Furthermore, in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, the CXOs that are newly introduced in the current period will identify and evaluate risks across overseas Group companies for each of their assigned duties, and consider workarounds and countermeasures. The Risk Management Committee will be responsible for checking such measures as well as evaluating and monitoring critical risks.
Critical Risks
Based on the above structure, we rate each risk on a scale of one to five according to the frequency of occurrence and the degree of damage (amount of loss), and we designate risks that are considered to have the potential to have a significant impact as critical risks and focus on strengthening countermeasures. Among the risks we have identified as having a particularly significant impact are the following:
Risks related to a high percentage of sales to a specific client
Risks related to a high percentage of sales to a specific client
The Group provides services under contract to companies engaged in drug development. If sales to a specific client account for too large a percentage of total sales, the Group’s business results could be affected by a decline in the utilization rate of clinical research associates (CRAs) or other factors if that customer cancels or terminates a project that is currently outsourced to the Group. We have dealt mainly with major pharmaceutical companies in Japan that have many promising products under development, and as a result of the quality of our work being recognized by our clients, the percentage of sales to certain domestic pharmaceutical companies became relatively high. However, this situation has improved as we expanded our overseas business and increased the number of our clients.
To address these risks, we will continue to expand our customer base by developing new customers and capturing demand from biotech companies in Japan and overseas by expanding our global business and our drug discovery support business and other business activities.
Risks related to intensified competition in the CRO industry
Risks related to intensified competition in the CRO industry
If the number of contracts decreases or contract prices decline due to the expansion of Japanese operations of global CROs in Europe and the U.S. or the intensification of price competition caused by the low-cost strategies of other CROs, the Group’s business results may be affected.
To address these risks, we at the Group will focus on highly novel drugs being developed by pharmaceutical and biotech companies in Japan and overseas and challenging disease areas, and will differentiate ourselves from our competitors by offering global one-stop contract services in a prompt and high-quality manner through the recruitment and training of capable talent.
Risks related to the shift of clinical trials in Japan to overseas
Risks related to the shift of clinical trials in Japan to overseas
Global competition in drug development is becoming increasingly heated, and global development has become a fundamental strategy for pharmaceutical companies in order to obtain regulatory approval quickly in key market countries and maximize profits. If the globalization of the clinical trial environment and the shift to overseas occur at a speed much faster than anticipated by the Group, and the scale and number of clinical trials conducted in Japan rapidly decline, the Group’s business results may be affected.
To address these risks, the Group has offices in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, in addition to Japan. In countries where we do not have our own offices, we establish cooperative systems with other CROs in the short term and consider insourcing through the establishment of our own offices. We are also working to increase the ratio of overseas sales by enhancing our ability to deal with global clinical trials through the expansion of our global contracting system and by improving the ability of our overseas subsidiaries to win orders.
Risk of reduction in the number and scale of clinical trials outsourced
Risk of reduction in the number and scale of clinical trials outsourced
Changes in the drug development strategies of pharmaceutical companies, which are the Group’s major clients, (such as major revisions of priority areas and development products, promotion of joint development and licensing agreements with other companies, and consideration of insourcing and review of outsourcing policies in conjunction with these changes) may result in a decrease in the number of projects outsourced to the Group. In addition, as the difficulty of new drug development increases and competition intensifies, there is a growing need to speed up the development process by streamlining it and curbing costs. If development efficiency improves faster than expected through the utilization of real-world data and progress in DX, the size of clinical trials outsourced to the Group may shrink, which may in turn affect the Group’s business results.
To address these risks, the Group is expanding its customer base by developing new customers, including pharmaceutical and biotech companies worldwide, and is also expanding partnering on a global scale for functions the Group does not own, such as those required for decentralized clinical trials (DCT). We will respond to diversifying needs for clinical trial efficiency by considering insourcing depending on the needs and market trends.
Risk of non-compliance with relevant laws and regulations
Risk of non-compliance with relevant laws and regulations
In the event of a serious violation of related laws and regulations in the execution of work contracted by the Group, the Group may be liable for damages to the pharmaceutical company that contracted the work, or the Group may lose the trust of pharmaceutical companies other than the contractor, which may result in a lawsuit or a decrease in the number of contracts. In such cases, the Group’s business results may be affected.
To address these risks, we strive to ensure the quality of our operations by regularly reviewing the business procedures, establishing risk-based quality control processes, and providing ongoing case study training for our employees.
Risks related to information security
Risks related to information security
As the digitization of information progresses in drug development, the Group strengthens IT security as needed. However, in the event of a failure of our IT-based services or an information leakage due to a cyberattack or other event that we had not anticipated, there is a risk that business operations of the Group and of our clients and clinical trial sites may be severely affected.
To address these risks, we are further strengthening information security by obtaining guidance and advice from outside experts as follows:
<Basic Approach and Governance Structure>
As a company responsible for drug development, the Group is deeply aware of the importance of information security, and has established the “Basic Policy for Information Security” and is working to maintain information security throughout the Group, including overseas subsidiaries.
Our Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for group-wide risk management and strategy formulation and execution related to IT, and reports directly to the President and Representative Executive Director. The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), who reports to the Chief Information Officer (CIO), is responsible for information security, and has established and is operating a group-wide structure to promote the information security management system (ISMS). As for the supervisory function, the Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for supervision as part of overall management governance, and the status of information security, in particular, is regularly reported through the Risk Management Committee as a critical risk.
Based on the above basic approach and governance structure, we regularly identify and analyze information security risks through our ISMS, and we also develop and perform information security procedures and organizational, personnel, physical, and technical security measures in consideration of the requirements of our clients and other stakeholders, as well as laws and regulations, thereby reducing risks. We also have procedures in place for prompt recovery, reporting, and response in the event of a disaster or incident. To familiarize employees with these procedures and to raise the level of each employee’s ability to deal with information security risks, including cyberattacks, we regularly conduct various training sessions for all employees. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, we obtained ISO/IEC 27001 certification, an international certification system, through NSF-ISR, an independent third-party organization, for our ISMS, which applies to the entire Group.
We will continue our efforts to maintain and enhance information security through continuous operation of ISMS and evaluation of its effectiveness.
Risks related to inappropriate handling of personal information
Risks related to inappropriate handling of personal information
In the event of leakage or unauthorized use of personal information in clinical trials contracted or conducted by the Group, the Group may be liable for damages to the pharmaceutical company that contracted the work, or the Group may lose the trust of pharmaceutical companies other than the contractor, which may result in a lawsuit or a decrease in the number of contracts. In such cases, the Group’s business results may be affected.
To address these risks, in addition to operating our information security management system (ISMS) that conforms to ISO/IEC 27001, we have established procedures for the protection of personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law and other relevant laws and regulations in various countries, and regularly conduct training for all employees on the protection of personal information as well as sessions for management and group company-specific training by rank to reduce the risks.